-From your Kamooni home screen, click on ‘Accounting Dashboard’




-There should be a tile labelled ‘Customer Invoices’. This is where you can view, manage and edit your electronic invoices for bookings that have been checked out. This is useful when following up on outstanding payments or correcting errors in customer bills. Click on the ‘Customer Invoices’ heading.



-You will now be shown a list of invoices. The default order is by date, but you can select any category to customize the display order.



-You can also use the ‘filters’ function to choose what kind of invoices you want to view. Eg. Not paid/overdue.



Once you have located the invoice you wish to work with, click on it and it will display all the invoice details and give you a few extra options.



In the above example, the customer has only partially paid. Let’s say they now want to complete their payments, but there is a dispute about the bill. It turns out your bartender has added an extra drink that was not meant to be there. Now you must edit the invoice, but before you do that, there are a few steps you need to take.

Step 1: Unreconcile any existing payments by clicking on the small green circle with the white ‘i’ in the middle, then clicking ‘Unreconcile’


Step 2: On the top left of the screen, click on ‘Cancel Invoice’



Step 3: Click on ‘Reset to Draft’



Step 4: Click on ‘Edit’



Now your invoice is editable. You can change or remove items at your discretion. To remove the disputed item, simply click on the trashcan icon on the far right of the statement line.

The item has now been removed from the invoice and the total amount due has changed. If you and the customer are both happy with the new total, you can click on ‘Validate’ to confirm the changes.



Once you have validated the invoice again, you will have the option to re-add any previous payments made to the outstanding amount.

The credit will clear a portion of the amount due, and you can take payment for the remaining balance by clicking ‘Register Payment’.



You can now select the payment method and date, then validate the payment.

Once the final payment is validated, the amount due will become zero, and the invoice will be marked as paid.