The room categories are found under Stock -> Configuration -> Product Categories. You can easily get there from the Kamooni Home page (the one with the different tiles on) and start typing "categories". Immediately a search bar will appear, listing all the options:

Click on Stock / Configuration / Products / Product Categories.

Here you see a list of all your product categories. When you set up your business, everything you sell is a "product". Each room you rent out, each meal you serve, each drink you sell at the bar, each activity you offer, is a product. These products get divided into different categories, to tell your accounting system which income needs to be booked into which account. Some products you sell on the point of sale, like your bar drinks. Some products do not appear on the point of sale, like your rooms. You can choose which products appear on the point of sale by assigning them to the respective category.

Here we are setting up new rooms, so we need to create a category for accommodation. Click on "create" in the top left corner.

This is the default blank category page that you will get. You see that certain fields are already filled in with default settings. For your accommodation category, you can leave several fields on their default settings.

Category Name: Accommodation

Parent Category: All

Category Type: Normal (leave default)

Price Difference Account: (leave blank)

Income Account: Accommodation

(on your default chart of accounts, the income accounts are under the 400000 numbers. You can modify and customize your chart of accounts to your business' specifications. For example, Accommodation Income would be 400000, Meals Income would be 400100, Bar Income would be 400300 etc. So on the "Income Account" line, you have to select the account into which you want to book the income from your rooms.)

Expense Account: Small Assets

(this is also a default account. Your expense accounts are under the 500000 numbers. As the expense account for your rooms, you would select the account into which you book expenses that are related to your rooms. Here the "Small Assets" account makes sense, since this is where you would book expenses like linen, new bedding, new mattresses etc.)

Stock Input Account: (leave blank)

Stock Output Account: (leave blank)

Stock Validation Account: (leave blank)

Stock Journal: Stock Journal (leave default)

Routes: (leave blank)

Forced Removal Strategy: (leave blank)

When all of this is filled in, click "Save" in the top left corner. Your product category for Accommodation is now saved.

Now you just have to make sure that all your rooms (under products) are correctly linked to this product category.