
(Days blocked on MyAllocator -  indicated by red squares)

If you want to unblock the rooms that are blocked, 

you can do the following:

1) Click on 'Settings' at the top of your booking window

2) Click on 'Rooms'

3) Click on the Name of the room that you want to unblock.

4) Click on 'Block Room from External Channels' on the bottom right.

5) Click on 'Edit' in the top left corner'

6) Click on the date that you want to change 

(OR, If you want to remove that whole time period.  Click the 'Trash' icon on the right )

7) Click on the date again and select a new date from the calendar.

8) Click on 'Save' in the top left.

You're done! :)

9) Click on 'Accommodation' to go back to your bookings :)