Here is how you can check in guests by scanning their Traveller app's QR code.

Step 1:

Tap on the Kamooni Host app icon on your tablet/smartphone to open it.

Step 2:

Type in your backpackers email address and password and log-in.

(Skip this step if you've already logged in)

Step 3:

Click on the menu button (top left corner)


Click on Check-in

(if you are using the full system you will see more options on the menu)

Step 5:

(if you are using the full system - select a guest whose booking you are going to check-in)

Give the tablet to the guest to click on 'Agree' to the terms and conditions.

Step 6: 

Tap on the QR Code Icon in the top right hand corner


Point the camera on your Tablet/Smartphone at your Guests QR code on his/her Traveller App.

Step 7:

Look at the details in the Guest ID and give them a thumbs up if they are correct

(or thumbs down if they are not)

Step 8:

Click on 'Ok'

Step 9:

Click on 'Continue'

Step 10:

Repeat the process for any additional guests.


You're Done!

(If you are using the Host app with the full system, it will fill in the details into the booking. swipe to the next guest and Repeat the process until you have filled in all guests details.)