Here is how you can check in guests by scanning their Traveller app's QR code.

Step 1:

Tap on the Kamooni Host app icon on your tablet/smartphone to open it.

Step 2:

Type in your backpackers email address and password and log-in.

(Skip this step if you've already logged in)

Step 3:

Click on the menu button (top left corner)

Step 4:

Click on Check-in

Step 5:

(if you are using the full system - select a guest whose booking you are going to check-in)

Give the tablet to the guest to tap on 'Agree' to the terms and conditions.

Step 6: 

Tap on the QR Code Icon in the top right hand corner

then, Point the camera on your Tablet/Smartphone at your Guests QR code on his/her Traveller App.

Step 7:

Look at the details in the Guest ID and give them a thumbs up if they are correct

(or thumbs down if they are not)

Step 8:

Click on 'Ok'

Step 9:

Click on 'Continue'

Step 10:

Repeat the process for any additional guests.


You're Done!